By Jen Joling Rev 3:20 Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear my voice and you open the door within, I will come into you and feast with you, and you will feast with me. Hungry for more and feeling God’s tug on my heart, I accepted the invitation to a Psalm 51 retreat at Robin’s Nest in the mountains of Arizona. Nothing could have prepared me for what God had set in place long before I answered His call. Robin’s Nest is beautiful and you can feel the peace of Jesus in every corner. The scene from the front porch exclaims the glory of God. It was obvious that a tremendous amount of work, prayer, and thought went into building this home and organizing the retreat. Dinah Monahan’s life is what has been poured into this creation and it was an absolute privilege to share in her space and get to know this woman of God. Dinah worked with us every day. She gave us tools that we could use, not only, in working in the Pregnancy Resource Center but also in our personal lives. It’s difficult to explain the process but there was a point, after much training, when I could hear chains falling to the floor. Chains that had been placed on us long ago and chains that some of us didn’t even know were still binding us. The excitement that took hold, after we broke free, was child-like. We danced and laughed and enjoyed our new freedom. Dinah’s motto is, “I am only one beggar leading another to bread!” My life is forever changed because one beggar (Dinah) led another (me) to the bread of truth. Dinah obeyed God’s instruction to create a place and a program for women to break free from shame and to go and help other women do the same As I was on the plane flying home, I thought of who I would like to ask to be in the first group to go through Giving God Your Worst. Nine women came to mind and nine women said “Yes!” In the first session I could see the Lord working in miraculous ways. Every week that we show up, He shows up. It’s difficult, even now, to wrap my head around the experience of this retreat. Only God could choose eleven women from all over the United States that would instantly connect and trust each other enough to walk through life’s experiences and traumas and find freedom from the chains that bound us in less than 5 days! This is what I want to do with my life. I am so excited to be involved at the beginning of a movement that I know will explode. I am honored to be a part of the plan that God has and stand in absolute anticipation of a revival of women all over the world. Thank you, Jesus!