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Our Conflicted Culture

Dinah Monahan

We just finished an amazing retreat with very special ladies. They had made the supreme sacrifice of carrying their babies to term and placing them for adoption. Robin’s Nest Retreat Home was like a warm welcoming hug. They laughed and cried together with each other knowing that those outside their circle could never understand their pain.

One of my favorite attendees was an impish young lady who sported the Goth look - black clothes, tats, white hair and piercings. I listened to her talking to her friends and she expounded on her alternative lifestyle of Ménage a trois variety. She seemed to gravitate toward me seeking hugs. Saturday had been a day of crafts and fun with some Jesus woven in. Usually Sunday we do praise and worship but I decided to just share some scripture. And then this precious young lady said to me, “What? Aren’t you going to preach? I want you to preach!” I was dumbfounded but quickly recovered and I shared with them about Ethiopia and my experience with our girls response to accepting Jesus. The Gospel was there in the story, in the lives, in the outcomes and in direct words. The Kleenex was in high demand! We finished off singing Amazing Grace and The Old Rugged Cross. My “Goth Girl” was next to me, sobbing through the hymns. It seems she had been raised in a rigid, legalistic religion and those songs resonated with her. She made this statement to one of the leaders. “If this is how you get people into your religion then you are definitely doing it right.”

At Robin’s Nest and Psalm 51 Ministry we are Jesus love in motion. We delight in each attendee and show it! This is what we are called to do as Christians and this ministry gives us opportunity to do it well! If you would like to volunteer at retreats you will walk away with the blessings! Go to Get Involved and Donate. There is a place for you make a donation or sign up to volunteer.

- Dinah Monahan




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© 2020-2025 by PsalmFiftyOne

A ministry of Robin's Nest


1360 S. Sierra Park Trail,

Show Low, AZ 85901


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